Planning Articles

Pension Age Increase

It is important to save for the future and to engage with retirement provisions. However, there are many more things to be aware of when it comes to pensions, than simply saving as much as you can afford to.

COP26 Summit – the lowdown

ESG investing is where the focus is on backing companies with strong credentials when it comes to environmental, social and governance matters.

The rising cost of living: 5 things households can do

Rising food and energy prices are hitting every household in the pocket. Here are five ways to make sure you’re being smart with your money.

Calling all borrowers – is it time to remortgage?

With mortgage rates so low at the moment, it seems like a no brainer for borrowers to explore if they are getting the best deal on their home loan.

Investing for all

Investing for all

With just a couple of weeks to go until the tax year ends, many investors will be finalising their plans to use up their 2020/21 allowances, including the annual £20,000 ISA allowance.

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Vital Family Support Comes from Over 50’s

Vital Family Support Comes from Over 50’s

Over the past ten years, the Bank of Mum and Dad has become a regular lender for young people around the UK.* For first time house buyers, it has become common to receive a loan from parents to establish a foot on the property ladder, with research this year showing nearly one in four home purchases are backed by “the Bank of Mum and Dad”.

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Getting Back To Pensions

Getting Back To Pensions

Over the past year, the world has been on hold with coronavirus having a huge impact in all aspect of financial life. Perhaps naturally, so have your future plans. Undoubtedly, this has brought concerns for those with pensions saved in volatile markets.

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Back to School

Back to School

Summer is finally drawing to a close, and parents all-round the UK are probably breathing a secret sigh of relief for the return of a routine and no more desperate attempts for entertainment without breaking the bank. The holidays can be pricey, not only with the various activities, but with preparing for the new school year. We’ve explored a few ways you could save yourself a few pennies at this time of year.

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Flying the Nest

Flying the Nest

Becoming a university student involves a lot of life changes. Not only are you learning a whole new subject, making new friends and getting used to a new city, but you also need to start learning how to pay bills and how to find the money to have fun! We have pulled together a quick guide to ease you in to living independently. 

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